About this site

The Desire Network site is an independent publication launched in June 2023. It is part of the Desire Network project.

What is the Desire Network project?

The Desire Network project is a progressive philosophical endeavour to use a Socratic-style reasoning network to refine and improve commonly held beliefs (axioms). The goal is the pursuit of truth in order to improve our understanding of the world and its systems, so as to improve the quality of life for all sentient beings.

What is the network?

The Desire Network is a reasoning engine built upon two simple principles:

  1. The network nodes ask un-biased but reasoned questions.
  2. Authors publish their answers on a central hub such as desire.network.

There are more detailed rules to keep the system in check.

What does the network do?

The Desire Network asks questions to test commonly accepted axioms.

Authors on the site publish a reasoned set of axioms in the form of an article.

The Desire Network then asks further questions to see if the current axioms need to be updated.

Authors then update the articles on an ongoing basis as the network nodes probe the set of relevant axioms.

For example, "Does God exist?" and then an answer is published in the form of an article containing some commonly accepted axioms such as "Christians belive in one God, Hindus belive in many gods, atheiests belive there is no god." Then the network will ask follow up questions and authors update some of the axioms with more detail about the Trinity and how different church denominations view the divinity of Christ. The goal is not to give a difinitive answer but to elaborate on, and revise the axioms to give readers an increased set of viewpoints to chose from.


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We want to hear your feedback and would love to hear some of your questions.

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